(NEW) Let's Have Church, (Are You a Useable Vessel)
What is “Let’s Have Church” in a book? Well, let’s just say it is exactly what it sounds like. We are having church service in a book. This book series is designed to reach those people who have not been able for whatever reason to attend a church service. Don’t get me wrong. My goal is not to deter anyone from assembling themselves to a local church body, so pastors, please don’t boycott me just yet. But through the leading of the Holy Ghost, I am making sure that everyone is given an opportunity to hear the word. I am taking the word to them. I am making the word available for those who are incarcerated; those in the hospital; and those who simply work all the time. I remember when I was pregnant with my 2nd child; I was hospitalized, and I was put on bed rest for two and a half months. During this time, I was miserable. Not only was I miserable because I lost my sense of independence, but I was equally miserable because I was not able to attend church. I know I had my TV, but it wasn’t church. I know I had my CD’s, but it wasn’t church. I needed to hear a word. I needed to be taught the word. “Let’s Have Church” in a book is designed to do just that. Believers will be given an opportunity to hear a word that is relevant, personal, and prophetic, a word that can be applied to their lives that will ultimately encourage them to grow and come up to another level. Not only would believers benefit from this series, but non-believers will also be given the opportunity to accept Christ as their personal Savior. Hallelujah! So, women put on your big hats, men put on your finest suits, close your eyes, turn on your sanctified imagination… and “Let’s Have Church!” (in a book of course )
What is a useable Vessel?
It is an emptied-out shell with the express purpose of being available and able to be used.
Are you a useable vessel?
Think so? Well, let me propose a few other questions. Are you emptied of all your junk, your intentions, your ideals, your will? Are you willing to let it not be all about you but all about God? Are you willing to be the PR person and not the star? Are you willing to do all the work to promote the star (Jesus) so that His name can go up in big lights and that He can receive all the glory? These are vital questions that you should ask and answer honestly to determine if you meet the requirements of being a useable vessel.
What is “Let’s Have Church” in a book? Well, let’s just say it is exactly what it sounds like. We are having church service in a book. This book series is designed to reach those people who have not been able for whatever reason to attend a church service. Don’t get me wrong. My goal is not to deter anyone from assembling themselves to a local church body, so pastors, please don’t boycott me just yet. But through the leading of the Holy Ghost, I am making sure that everyone is given an opportunity to hear the word. I am taking the word to them. I am making the word available for those who are incarcerated; those in the hospital; and those who simply work all the time. I remember when I was pregnant with my 2nd child; I was hospitalized, and I was put on bed rest for two and a half months. During this time, I was miserable. Not only was I miserable because I lost my sense of independence, but I was equally miserable because I was not able to attend church. I know I had my TV, but it wasn’t church. I know I had my CD’s, but it wasn’t church. I needed to hear a word. I needed to be taught the word. “Let’s Have Church” in a book is designed to do just that. Believers will be given an opportunity to hear a word that is relevant, personal, and prophetic, a word that can be applied to their lives that will ultimately encourage them to grow and come up to another level. Not only would believers benefit from this series, but non-believers will also be given the opportunity to accept Christ as their personal Savior. Hallelujah! So, women put on your big hats, men put on your finest suits, close your eyes, turn on your sanctified imagination… and “Let’s Have Church!” (in a book of course )
What is a useable Vessel?
It is an emptied-out shell with the express purpose of being available and able to be used.
Are you a useable vessel?
Think so? Well, let me propose a few other questions. Are you emptied of all your junk, your intentions, your ideals, your will? Are you willing to let it not be all about you but all about God? Are you willing to be the PR person and not the star? Are you willing to do all the work to promote the star (Jesus) so that His name can go up in big lights and that He can receive all the glory? These are vital questions that you should ask and answer honestly to determine if you meet the requirements of being a useable vessel.
What is “Let’s Have Church” in a book? Well, let’s just say it is exactly what it sounds like. We are having church service in a book. This book series is designed to reach those people who have not been able for whatever reason to attend a church service. Don’t get me wrong. My goal is not to deter anyone from assembling themselves to a local church body, so pastors, please don’t boycott me just yet. But through the leading of the Holy Ghost, I am making sure that everyone is given an opportunity to hear the word. I am taking the word to them. I am making the word available for those who are incarcerated; those in the hospital; and those who simply work all the time. I remember when I was pregnant with my 2nd child; I was hospitalized, and I was put on bed rest for two and a half months. During this time, I was miserable. Not only was I miserable because I lost my sense of independence, but I was equally miserable because I was not able to attend church. I know I had my TV, but it wasn’t church. I know I had my CD’s, but it wasn’t church. I needed to hear a word. I needed to be taught the word. “Let’s Have Church” in a book is designed to do just that. Believers will be given an opportunity to hear a word that is relevant, personal, and prophetic, a word that can be applied to their lives that will ultimately encourage them to grow and come up to another level. Not only would believers benefit from this series, but non-believers will also be given the opportunity to accept Christ as their personal Savior. Hallelujah! So, women put on your big hats, men put on your finest suits, close your eyes, turn on your sanctified imagination… and “Let’s Have Church!” (in a book of course )
What is a useable Vessel?
It is an emptied-out shell with the express purpose of being available and able to be used.
Are you a useable vessel?
Think so? Well, let me propose a few other questions. Are you emptied of all your junk, your intentions, your ideals, your will? Are you willing to let it not be all about you but all about God? Are you willing to be the PR person and not the star? Are you willing to do all the work to promote the star (Jesus) so that His name can go up in big lights and that He can receive all the glory? These are vital questions that you should ask and answer honestly to determine if you meet the requirements of being a useable vessel.